Thursday, 25 July 2024

Python - Unit II

 Python Topics:

1.      Python Topics:

1.      Control Statements or Control Structures

a.       Conditional Statements or Decision Making Statement or Selection Statements

i) If statements

A.    Simple if

B.     Simple if else

C.     elif ladder

D.    Nested if

b.      Looping statements or Iterative Statement

1.      for loop

2.      while loop

c.       Unconditional statements or Loop control statement or Transfer statement

1.      break

2.      continue

3.      pass

    2. Python Functions

A.    Function & Types of functions

B.     Default Arguments

C.     Scope of variable (Local & Global)

D.    Lambda function

E.     Recursive function

F.      Modules (sys, math, time, dir, help functions)

3. Python features

a.       RegEx

b.      Simple Character matching

c.       Special Characters or special Sequences

d.      Python quantifiers or meta characters

e.       Character Classes

f.        Match Objects

g.      Substituting (using sub()) & Splitting a string(using split())

h.      Compiling regular expression 

1.      Control Statements or Control Structures

 ·         Control statements decide the flow (order or sequence of execution of statements) of a python program.

·         Therefore, using the control flow statements can interrupt a particular section of a program based on a certain condition.


a.      Conditional Statements or Decision Making Statement or Selection Statements

 1.      Python If Statements


·         The Python if statement is a statement which is used to test(check) specified condition is true or false

 There are various types of if statements in Python

 A.    Simple if statement

B.     if - else statement

C.    elif ladder statements

D.    nested if statement

A. Simple if statements


·         The Python if statement is used to test(check) specified condition is true

·         Present true part only









step1: check the given condition

step2: if the given condition is true than execute true part statement

step3: otherwise exit from if statements

Flow chart:



#Program 1: To check The given number is Positive Using simple if

n=int ( input ("Enter input :"))

if n>0:

    print ("The given number is Positive")


#Program 2: To check The given number is Negative Using simple if

n=int ( input ("Enter input :"))

if n<0:

    print ("The given number is Negative")


B. if...else statements


·         The Python if else statement is used to test(check) specified condition is true or false

·         Present true part & false only












step1: check the given condition

step2: if the given condition is true than execute true part statement

step3: otherwise execute else part statements


Flow chart:

 #Program 1: To check The given number is Positive or Negative Using simple if else

n=int (input ("Enter input :"))

if n>0 :

    print ("The given number is Positive")

else :

    print ("The given number is Negative")


#Program 2: Find Biggest in Two numbers

a=int ( input("Enter First input :"))

b=int ( input("Enter Second input :"))

if a>b :

    print ("a is biggest")

else :

    print ("b is biggest")


#Program 3: Find Even or Odd number

n=int ( input("Enter input :"))

if (n%2)==0 :

    print ("The given number is even")

else :

    print ("The given number is odd")


#Program 4: Find the given number is divisible by 7 or not

n=int ( input("Enter input :"))

if (n%7)==0 :

    print ("The given number is divisible by 7")

else :

    print ("The given number is not divisible by 7")



C. elif ladder statements


·         elif ladder is used to check more than one condition (choice based execution)



  if (condition1): 


  elif (condition2):


  elif (condition3):  








Step 1: To check the given condition1, if condition1 is True than executes code statements1.

Step 2: If condition1 is not True, the program checks condition2. If condition2 is True, it executes code statements2.

Step 3: suppose all conditions are false than. It executes else part statements


Flow chart:


 #Program 1: Find Biggest in Three Numbers

a=int(input("Enter First input :"))

b=int(input("Enter Second input :"))

c=int(input("Enter Third input :"))

if a>b and a>c:

    print ("a is biggest")

elif  b>c :

    print ("b is biggest")

elif a==b and a==c and b==c:

    print ("All are equals")


    print ("c is biggest")



  D. Nested if statements


·         if statement inside another if statement. 



  if (condition1): 

       if (condition2):








Step 1: if (condition1): Executes when condition1 is true

Step 2: if (condition2): # Executes when condition2 is true

Flow chart


#Program 1: Using Nested If

a=int(input("Enter First input :"))

b=int(input("Enter Second input :"))

c=int(input("Enter Third input :"))

if a>b:

    if a>c:

        print ("a is biggest")


        print ("c is biggest")


    if b>c :

        print ("b is biggest")


        print ("c is biggest")



b.      Python Looping statements or Iterative Statements


·         In general, statements are executed sequentially: The first statement in a function is executed first followed by the second, and so on. There may be a situation when you need to execute a block of code several number of times.

·         A loop statement allows us to execute a statement or group of statements multiple times


There are Two Types looping statements in Python

1. for loop

2. while loop


1) for loop


-          for loop is an entry controlled loop

-          Executes a sequence of statements multiple times based on condition




for <variable> in <sequence>: 

      Statement1 #Body of for





step1: initialized the given variable step2: check the given condition

step3: if the given condition is true than execute statement otherwise exit from for loop

step4: next goto increment part

step5: repeat step1, step2 and step3

Flow chart




#Program 1: using for loop

n = int (input (“Enter the value of n:”))    

for i in range (1, n+1, 1):



#Program 2: Find factorial value using for loop

n = int (input (“Enter the value of n:”))    

f = 1

for i in range (1, n+1, 1):

      f = f * i

print (“Factorial value is:”, f)


2) while loop


·         while loop is an Entry controlled loop

·         Repeats a statement or group of statements while a given condition is TRUE.




while (condition): 

      Statement1 #Body of for





step1: initialized the given variable step2: check the given condition

step3: if the given condition is true than execute statement otherwise exit from for loop

step4: next goto increment part

step5: repeat step1, step2 and step3

Flow chart



#Program 1: using while loop

n = int (input (“Enter the value of n:”))

i = 1    

while (i <= n):


         i = i + 1


#Program 2: Find factorial value using while loop

n = int (input (“Enter the value of n:”))    

f = 1

while (i<=n):

      f = f * i

      i = i + 1

print (“Factorial value is:”, f)



c.       Unconditional Statements or Transfer statements or Loop Control statements

·         Loop control statements change execution from their normal sequence. 

Types of Unconditional statements


1.      break

2.      continue

3.      pass


  1. break statement


·         Exit from looping statements like for and while loop

Syntax: (using for)


for <variable> in <sequence>: 

      if (condition):



Syntax: (using while)


   while <expression>: 

       Statements #Body

       if (condition): 


 #Program 1: using break

n = int (input (“Enter the value of n:”))    

for i in range (1, n+1, 1):

         if (i==5):




#Program 2: using break

n = int (input (“Enter the value of n:”))

i = 1    

while (i <= n):

         if (i==5):



         i = i + 1



2. continue statement:


·         Ignore or skip current iteration of the looping statements


Syntax: (using for)


for <variable> in <sequence>: 

      if (condition):



Syntax: (using while)


   while <expression>: 

       Statements #Body

       if (condition): 


 #Program 1: using break

n = int (input (“Enter the value of n:”))    

for i in range (1, n+1, 1):

         if (i==5):




#Program 2: using break

n = int (input (“Enter the value of n:”))

i = 1    

while (i <= n):

         if (i==5):



         i = i + 1



3. Pass statement


·         In Python, pass keyword is used to execute nothing; it means, when we don't want to execute code, the pass can be used to execute empty. It is same as the name refers to.

·         It just makes the control to pass by without executing any code.

·         If we want to bypass any code pass statement can be used.


Syntax: (using for)


for <variable> in <sequence>: 

      if (condition):



Syntax: (using while)


   while <expression>: 

       Statements #Body

       if (condition): 


 #Program 1: using pass statement

n = int (input (“Enter the value of n:”))    

for i in range (1, n+1, 1):

         if (i==5):

             print ("Pass when value is",i) 

         print (i) 



2. Python Function

A. Function:


·         A Function is a self-block of code or small piece of code.

·         A Function is a subprogram that works on data and produces some output.

 Advantages of function


 - Code Reusability

 - Reduced size of our program

 - To avoid complexity of our program

 - Easy to find error (bugging) and remove error (debugging)


Types of Functions


1.      Pre-Defined Function


§  Pre-Defined also called as In-build function or Library function or readymade function

§  Already compiled and executable code (build into python)

                    ex: input(), print()


2.      User defined Function


  §  user can create own Function (to perform particular task)

  §  a small piece of code or block of code or set of code written by user

  §  Function blocks begin with the keyword def followed by the function name and parentheses ().


Syntax: (creating a function)

def function_name (parameters):



   return [expression]

 #Program 1: Example program for user defined function

#function Definition

def msg():

    print ("welcome to python")


#function Calling



#Program 2: Example program for user defined function

#function Definition

def msg():




    print ("Result is : ",c)


#function Calling



#Program 3: Example program for user defined function

#function Definition

def msg():

    a=int(input(“Enter a :”))

    a=int(input(“Enter b :”))


    print ("Result is : ",c)


#function Calling



#Program 4: Example program for user defined function – Passing Arguments

#function Definition

def msg(a,b):


    print ("Result is : ",c)


#function Calling



 #Program 5: (simple interest calculations)

def simple (p,n,r):




p=int(input("Enter value of p :"))

n=int(input("Enter value of n:"))

r=int(input("Enter value of r:"))


print ("result is:",si);


B. Default Arguments in Python


·        Python allows function arguments to have default values. If the function is called without the argument, the argument gets its default value.




   def function_name(param1, param2=default_value2, param3=default_value3):



 #Program 1: (using Default arguments)

#function Definition

def msg(a=10, b=20, c=30):





msg (1)

msg (1,2)

msg (1,2,3)



C. Scope of variable:


-          Scope of a variable can be determined by the part in which variable is defined.

-          Each variable cannot be accessed in each part of a program.

There are two types of variables based on Scope:

    1) Local Variable.

    2) Global Variable.

1) Local Variable:


- Variables declared inside a function body is known as Local Variable.

- These have a local access thus these variables cannot be accessed outside the function body

  in which they are declared.

# Program 1: Example Program for local scope

def msg():


    print ("Value of a is",a) 


#print (a) #it will show error since variable is local 


2) Global variable:


- Variable defined outside the function is called Global Variable.

- Global variable is accessed all over program thus global variable have widest accessibility.

# Program 2: Example Program for global scope


def msg():


    print ("Value of a is",a) 

    print ("Value of b is",b) 


print (b) 


D. Lambda or Anonymous Functions:


·         These functions are called anonymous (Nameless) because they are not declared in the standard manner by using the def keyword.

·         You can use the lambda keyword to create small anonymous functions.

·         Anonymous Functions are created by using a keyword "lambda".

·         Lambda takes any number of arguments and returns an evaluated expression.

·         Lambda is created without using the def keyword.



              lambda arg1, args2, args3,….,args_n : expression 


# Program 1: Program for lambda

square=lambda x1: x1*x1 

print ("Square of number is",square(10))


# Program 2: Program for lambda (passing two arguments)

x=lambda a,b : a+b           # two arguments

print("Result is : ",x(10,20))


# Program 3: Program for lambda (passing three arguments)

res=lambda x,y,z :x+y+z           # two arguments

print("Result is : ",res(10,20,30))


E. Recursive Function:


-Function can call itself




   def msg(args):





# Program 1: Example Program for Recursive

def fact (x, f):

    if x>0:

        f = f * x

        x = x - 1       

        fact (x, f)


        print ("Factorial is :",f)


n=int (input ("Enter the value of n :"))

msg (n,1)



F. Python Modules


-          Modules refer to a file containing Python statements and definitions.

-          Modules are used to categorize code in Python into smaller part.

-          A module is simply a file, where classes, functions and variables are defined.

-          Grouping similar code into a single file makes it easy to access.

 # Program 1: Example Program for Python Modules


import def1


def msg():



Python standard modules

     1.      sys module

     2       math module

     3.      time module

     4.      dir function

     5.      help function


1.      Python sys module

The python sys module provides functions and variables which are used to manipulate different parts of the Python Runtime Environment. It lets us access system-specific parameters and functions.

     1)      import sys: First, we have to import the sys module in our program before running any functions.

    2)      sys.modules: This function provides the name of the existing python modules which have been imported.

    3)      sys.argv: This function returns a list of command line arguments passed to a Python script. The name of the script is always the item at index 0, and the rest of the arguments are stored at subsequent indices.

    4)      sys.base_exec_prefix: This function provides an efficient way to the same value as exec_prefix. If not running a virtual environment, the value will remain the same.

    5)         sys.base_prefix: It is set up during Python startup, before is run, to the same value as prefix.

   6)      sys.byteorder: It is an indication of the native byteorder that provides an efficient way to do something.

    7)      sys.maxsize: This function returns the largest integer of a variable.

    8)      sys.path: This function shows the PYTHONPATH set in the current system. It is an environment variable that is a search path for all the python modules.

    9)      sys.stdin: It is an object that contains the original values of stdin at the start of the program and used during finalization. It can restore the files.

    10)  sys.getrefcount: This function returns the reference count of an object.

    11)  sys.exit: This function is used to exit from either the Python console or command prompt, and also used to exit from the program in case of an exception.

    12)  sys executable: The value of this function is the absolute path to a Python interpreter. It is useful for knowing where python is installed on someone else machine.

    13)  sys.platform: This value of this function is used to identify the platform on which we are working.

2.      Python math module

Python has a built-in math module. It is a standard module, so we don't need to install it separately. We only have to import it into the program we want to use. We can import the module, like any other module of Python, using import math to implement the functions to perform mathematical operations.

Ex1: (square root)

import math  

print(math.sqrt( 9 ))  

Ex2: (pow)

import math


Ex3: (ceil and floor & pi)

import math

x = math.ceil(1.4)

y = math.floor(1.4)

print(x)      # returns 2

print(y)      # returns 1


Ex4: (sin, cos, tan)

import math




Ex5: (log, log10, log2)

import math




Ex6: (radians)

import math


Ex7: (degrees)

import math


3.      Python time module

The time module comes with Python’s standard utility module, so there is no need to install it externally. It allows functionality like getting the current time, pausing the Program from executing

Ex1: (get the current time)

import time    


Ex2: (get gmt time)

import time


Ex3: Display calendar

import calendar 

cal = calendar.month(2022, 6) 



4.      Python dir function

 §  The dir() function returns all properties and methods of the specified object, without the values.

   §  This function will return all the properties and methods, even built-in properties which are default for all object.



Ex1: using dir function

lang = ("C","C++","Java", "Python")  

att = dir(lang)  



5.      Python help function

The Python help function is used to display the documentation of modules, functions, classes, keywords, etc

Syntax:         help(object)

Ex1: using help function


Ex2: using help function




1.      PYTHON RegEx – Character Matching


    a.       RegEx

    b.      Simple Character matching

    c.     Special Characters or special Sequences

    d.      Python quantifiers or meta characters

    e.       Character Classes

    f.        Match Objects

    g.      Substituting (using sub()) & Splitting a string(using split())

    h.      Compiling regular expression



·         A RegEx, or Regular Expression, is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern.

·         RegEx can be used to check if a string contains the specified search pattern

RegEx Functions(Simple character matching function)

The re module offers a set of functions that allows us to search a string for a match:




Returns a list containing all matches


Returns a Match object if there is a match anywhere in the string


Returns a list where the string has been split at each match


Replaces one or many matches with a string


RegEx Module

 Python has a built-in package called re, which can be used to work with Regular Expressions.

Import the re module:

          import re


Ex1: (using findall())

import re

txt = "Python is used for data analysis"

x = re.findall("data", txt)


Ex2: (using search())

import re

txt = " Python is used for data analysis"

x ="Python", txt)


Ex3: (using split())

import re

#Split the string at every white-space character:

txt = " Python is used for data analysis"

x = re.split("\s", txt)


Ex4: (using sub())

import re

txt = "Python is used for data analysis"

x = re.sub("\s", "9", txt)



Metacharacters or Python Quantifiers

  Metacharacters are characters with a special meaning:





A set of characters



Signals a special sequence (can also be used to escape special characters)



Any character (except newline character)



Starts with



Ends with



Zero or more occurrences



One or more occurrences



Zero or one occurrences



Exactly the specified number of occurrences



Either or



Capture and group



Python special Characters or Special Sequences

The characters which have some unique functionality, such characters are called special characters. A special sequence is a \ followed by one of the characters in the list below, and has a special meaning:





Returns a match if the specified characters are at the beginning of the string



Returns a match where the specified characters are at the beginning or at the end of a word (the "r" in the beginning is making sure that the string is being treated as a "raw string")



Returns a match where the specified characters are present, but NOT at the beginning (or at the end) of a word (the "r" in the beginning is making sure that the string is being treated as a "raw string")



Returns a match where the string contains digits (numbers from 0-9)



Returns a match where the string DOES NOT contain digits



Returns a match where the string contains a white space character



Returns a match where the string DOES NOT contain a white space character



Returns a match where the string contains any word characters (characters from a to Z, digits from 0-9, and the underscore _ character)



Returns a match where the string DOES NOT contain any word characters



Returns a match if the specified characters are at the end of the string



Ex1: (using special sequences)

import re

txt = "The Python is used for data analysis"

#Check if the string starts with "The":

x = re.findall("\Ahe", txt)


Ex2: (using special sequences)

import re

txt = "The Python is used for data analysis"

#Check if the string contains any digits (numbers from 0-9):

x = re.findall("\d", txt)


Ex3: (using special sequences)

import re

txt = "The Python is used for data analysis"

#Return a match at every white-space character:

x = re.findall("\s", txt)




Sets or Character classes

 A set is a set of characters inside a pair of square brackets [] with a special meaning:




Returns a match where one of the specified characters (a, r, or n) is present


Returns a match for any lower case character, alphabetically between a and n


Returns a match for any character EXCEPT a, r, and n


Returns a match where any of the specified digits (0, 1, 2, or 3) are present


Returns a match for any digit between 0 and 9


Returns a match for any two-digit numbers from 00 and 59


Returns a match for any character alphabetically between a and z, lower case OR upper case


In sets, +, *, ., |, (), $,{} has no special meaning, so [+] means: return a match for any + character in the string


Ex1: (using character classes)

import re

txt = "8 times before 11:45 AM"

#Check if the string has any digits:

x = re.findall("[0-9]", txt)


Ex2: (using character classes)

import re

txt = "8 times before 11:45 AM"

#Check if the string has any characters from a to z lower case, and A to Z upper case:

x = re.findall("[a-zA-Z]", txt)


Ex3: (using character classes)

import re

txt = "The rain in Spain"

#Check if the string has any a, r, or n characters:

x = re.findall("[arn]", txt)



Match Objects


A Match Object is an object containing information about the search and the result.

1)      .span() returns a tuple containing the start-, and end positions of the match.

2)      .string returns the string passed into the function

3)      .group() returns the part of the string where there was a match

Ex1: (using span())

import re

#Search for an upper case "S" character in the beginning of a word, and print its position:

txt = "The rain in Spain"

x ="\bS\w+", txt)


Ex2: (using string())

import re

#The string property returns the search string:

txt = "The rain in Spain"

x ="\bS\w+", txt)


Ex3: (using group())

import re

#Search for an upper case "S" character in the beginning of a word, and print the word:

txt = "The rain in Spain"

x ="\bS\w+", txt)



Compiling Regular Expression


§  combine a regular expression pattern into pattern objects, which can be used for pattern matching.

§  It also helps to search a pattern again without rewriting it.


re.compile(pattern, repl, string):


Ex1: (using compile())

import re


result=pattern.findall('The Python is used for data analysis')

print (result)

result2=pattern.findall('Pyton is most popular data analysis tool')

print (result2)


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