Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Tally Price List

 Sum1: Price List


          Retail Sales

Stock item                  quantity                   Amount          discount


Bronze             Less than         10 nos              rs. 65

                        10 nos to         25 nos              rs. 65               5 %

                        From 25 onwards                    rs. 65               10 %


                        Less than         10 nos              rs. 80

                        10  nos to        25 nos              rs. 80               5 %

                        From 25 onwards                    rs. 80               7.5 %


                        Less than         10  nos             rs. 100

                        10 nos to         25 nos              rs. 100             5  %

                        From 25 onwards                    rs. 100             8 %


                                    Whole sales Price


                        Less than         10 nos              rs. 55

                        10 nos to         25 nos              rs. 55               5 %

                        From 25 onwards                    rs. 55               10 %


                        Less than         10 nos              rs. 75

                        10 nos to         25 nos              rs. 75               5 %

                        From 25 onwards                    rs. 75               10 %


                        Less than         10 nos              rs. 95

                        10 nos to         25 nos              rs. 95               5 %

                        From 25 onwards                    rs. 95               10 %


a) 01.05.2014 Sold to Jasmine&co 25 nos of Gold, 15 nos of silver,

          15 nos of Bronze, (Retails sales)

b) 25.05.2014  Sold to Rohini stores 35 nos of Gold, 25 nos of silver,

                        40 nos of Bronze (whole sales)


Sum 2:


Export price                            

Cotton Saris

                                    Less than 50 nos         rs. 1000          

                                    50 to 100                    rs.  700             3 %

                                    More than 100             rs.  600            5 %



Less than 20 nos         rs.  1500

                                    20 to 50 nos                 rs.    800          2 %       

                                    More than 50               rs.    500          5 %


                                                Retail price   


Cotton Saris                Less than 60 nos         Rs.  850           3 %

                                    60 to 100                     Rs.  500           4 %

More than 100             Rs.  400           6  %    


Chudidhar                   Less than 20 nos         Rs. 900

                                    20 to 50                       Rs. 500            2    %

                                    More than 50               Rs. 900            10 %


                                                Whole sale

Cotton Saris               

Less than 50 nos         Rs. 700            3 %

                                    50 to 100 nos               Rs. 850            4 %

                                    More than 100             Rs. 800            5 %



Less than 20 nos         Rs. 950           

                                    20 nos to 50                Rs. 550            1 %

                                    More than 50               Rs. 350            7 %


a) On 15.04.2014 sold to Shaji traders Cotton sarees 100 nos. Chudidhar 100 nos (whole sales)


b) On 25.4.2014 sold to Leena Exports Cotton sarees 150 nos. Chudi 100 nos.(Export)


c) On 30.4.2014 Sold to Anish&co Cotton Sarees 100 nos, Chudi 100 nos.(Retail Price)


 Sum iii):                                 Export Sales


Ceiling Fan                 Less than 50 nos         Rs. 1600

                                    50 to 100 nos               Rs. 1500          3 %

                                    More than 100             Rs. 1000          5 %


Table Fan                    Less than 50 nos         Rs. 1500

                                    50 to 100 nos               Rs. 1300          2 %

                                    More than 100             Rs. 1000          5 %


                                    Domestic Sales

Ceiling Fan                 Less than 50 nos         Rs. 1300

                                    50 to 100                     Rs. 1100          4 %

                                    More than 100             Rs. 1000          6 %


Table Fan                    Less than 50 nos         Rs. 1300

                                    50 to 100                     Rs. 1200          2 %

                                    More than 100             Rs.  900                       10 %


a) On 15.4.2014 Sold to Sri Traders Ceiling Fan 100 nos. Table Fan 100nos (DS)

b) On 25.4.2014 Sold to Anu &co Ceiling Fan 150 nos. Table Fan 100 nos (ES)



Friday, 19 June 2020

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing:
       Digital marketing is the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to reach consumers
Types of digital marketing:
  • Content marketing.
  • Search engine marketing.
  • Display Advertising.
  • Mobile Marketing.
  • Social Media Marketing.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Influencer Marketing.
  • Affiliate Marketing.

Let's list the different ways you can use the digital medium to popularize and drive conversions for your startup or business.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ...
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) ...
  • Content Creation. ...
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM) ...
  • Digital Display Advertising. ...
  • Retargeting and Remarketing. ...
  • Mobile Marketing.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Data Science

Data science is an inter-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from many structural and data. Data science is related to data miningdeep learning and big data.
Data science is a "concept to unify statisticsdata analysismachine learning and their related methods" in order to "understand and analyse actual phenomena" with data. It uses techniques and theories drawn from many fields within the context of mathematicsstatisticscomputer science, and information scienceTuring award winner Jim Gray imagined data science as a "fourth paradigm" of science (empiricaltheoreticalcomputational and now data-driven) and asserted that "everything about science is changing because of the impact of information technology" and the data deluge

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

C Programming Interview Questions

1) What is the use of printf() and scanf() functions?

printf(): The printf() function is used to print the integer, character, float and string values on to the screen.
Following are the format specifier:
  • %d: It is a format specifier used to print an integer value.
  • %s: It is a format specifier used to print a string.
  • %c: It is a format specifier used to display a character value.
  • %f: It is a format specifier used to display a floating point value.
scanf(): The scanf() function is used to take input from the user.

2) What is the use of a static variable in C?

Following are the uses of a static variable:
  • A variable which is declared as static is known as a static variable. The static variable retains its value between multiple function calls.
  • Static variables are used because the scope of the static variable is available in the entire program. So, we can access a static variable anywhere in the program.
  • The static variable is initially initialized to zero. If we update the value of a variable, then the updated value is assigned.
  • The static variable is used as a common value which is shared by all the methods.
  • The static variable is initialized only once in the memory heap to reduce the memory usage

    3) What is the use of the function in C?

    Uses of C function are:
    • C functions are used to avoid the rewriting the same code again and again in our program.
    • C functions can be called any number of times from any place of our program.
    • When a program is divided into functions, then any part of our program can easily be tracked.
    • C functions provide the reusability concept, i.e., it breaks the big task into smaller tasks so that it makes the C program more understandable.

C Programming Interview Questions

1) What is C language?

C is a mid-level and procedural programming language. The Procedural programming language is also known as the structured programming language is a technique in which large programs are broken down into smaller modules, and each module uses structured code. This technique minimizes error and misinterpretation

2) Why is C called a mid-level programming language?

C is called a mid-level programming language because it binds the low level and high -level programming language. We can use C language as a System programming to develop the operating system as well as an Application programming to generate menu driven customer driven billing system

3) What are the features of the C language?

The main features of C language are given below:
  • Simple: C is a simple language because it follows the structured approach, i.e., a program is broken into parts
  • Portable: C is highly portable means that once the program is written can be run on any machine with little or no modifications.
  • Mid Level: C is a mid-level programming language as it combines the low- level language with the features of the high-level language.
  • Structured: C is a structured language as the C program is broken into parts.
  • Fast Speed: C language is very fast as it uses a powerful set of data types and operators.
  • Memory Management: C provides an inbuilt memory function that saves the memory and improves the efficiency of our program.
  • Extensible: C is an extensible language as it can adopt new features in the future.